PROTONPEN and microneedles (collagen induction therapy) are used in the protocols with our trans dermal solutions working synergistically to stimulate the body’s natural healing process, increasing collagen and elastin production to promote skin rejuvenation and increase absorption of products through the skin.
This procedure can also be effective for:
Skin laxity or sagging.
Thinning skin.
Fine lines and wrinkles.
UV damage.
Enlarged pores.
Scars and stretch marks.
Trans dermal solutions by pHformula are sterile solutions formulated to activate cellular metabolism for intense revitalization, hydration and rejuvenation. Microneedling triggers a healing response from the body helping to rejuvenate the skin whilst preserving epidermal integrity.
The synergistic action of the pHformula trans dermal solutions combined with microneedling with the PROTONPEN will:
– boost collagen and elastin.
– promote skin rejuvenation.
– improve overall skin texture and pigmentation.
– reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.
– improve the appearance of acne scars, deep scars and stretch marks.
– reduce enlarged pores.
– increase absorption of products through the skin.
A unique combination of active ingredients to address different skin disorders, working synergistically to assist in speeding-up skin recovery, maintaining the overall health of the skin, and helping to prevent future damage.
Patients should use the pHformula E.X.F.O. cleanse for soothing post treatment cleansing and exfoliation.
Patients should use the prescribed pHformula active prescriptions as daily skincare solutions which treat specific skin disorders and enhance and maintain healthy skin.
The use of the pHformula U.V. protect SPF 50 + are essential to protect the skin from UV radiation.
Avoid prolonged sun exposure, even when using a sunscreen product, especially in the 14 days prior to and the 14 days post treatment.