
A.C. 1 2 3 solutions

7ml x4

This active solution effectively penetrates the pores to assist in dissolving follicular hyperkeratinisation and helps control microbial proliferation in acne prone skin. The synergistic action of the active ingredients offers anti-inflammatory benefits along with a strong keratolytic action to help normalize problematic skin and improve overall complexion.

Pyruvic Acid
Azelaic Acid
Salicylic Acid
Mandelic Acid

A.C. 1, 2, 3 solutions – Apply a uniform layer using a large cotton tip, rubbing energetically to increase its penetration in the skin, especially patients with a thick stratum corneum. Application should start from the forehead, working from the centre outward and continuing along one side of the face working downwards along the cheek area, then continuing to the other side. The aim is to apply the solution in under 30 seconds. Wait until the patientメs sensitivity begins to subside before applying the next layer.

Patients should use the recommended pHformula homecare products to enhance overall results and to assist with the post-treatment healing processes. The use of the pHformula U.V. protect SPF 30+ is essential to protect the skin from UV radiation. Please note that it is recommended that extended sun exposure must be avoided, especially in the 10 days prior to the treatment.