We never really think of our skin as being elastic but in fact this is exactly what it is – elasticity means the skin has the ability to stretch and then go back to normal once the stretch is released. It doesn’t sound like a big deal, but elasticity is what helps your skin maintain its shape, firmness, suppleness and even its radiance.
Your skin’s elasticity is determined mainly by the presence of collagen and elastin. Collagen is the main structural protein found in connective tissues, and elastin an elastic, fibrous glycoprotein also found in connective tissues. This is what helps your skin pop back into place if you’ve pulled or pinched it.
Important factors to consider which may be accelerating the loss of bounce.
Elasticity of skin changes over time – not just from the natural ageing process, though this is an important factor, but also as a result of environmental factors and lifestyle. As we age, we often lose moisture in the skin which in turn accelerates the appearance of wrinkles and causes your skin to become more tough and leathery, losing bounce. Testing the elasticity of your skin is a good way to check the level of moisture in your body. This can be done simply by pinching the skin of one hand or a part of your face, and seeing how quickly it falls back into place. If your skin seems to be losing elasticity, there are a number of important factors to consider which may be accelerating the loss of bounce.
Cigarettes, for example, contain substances that negatively affect the synthesis of collagen, increase collagen breakdown and also reducing the delivery of nutrients to the skin. Over-exposure to the sun also throws harmful ultraviolet rays on to your skin which directly destroy collagen. And, as always with skincare, you can’t overestimate the importance of sleep, diet and water intake. Sleep enables the body and the skin to repair and regenerate after a day of exposure and work, so not getting enough sleep simply means your skin does not have enough time to heal, and the effects of this can be quickly seen. Eating the right foods rich in vitamins and anti-oxidants can also best equip your skin to maintain its health and vitality. Too much sugar can trigger a process cause glycation, which means the sugar you eat attaches itself to the elastin and collagen in your skin, disrupting its normal cohesiveness and causing wrinkling and sagging. So make sure your diet is well-balanced with a good amount of foods rich in vitamin A – sweet potato, kale, other leafy greens, carrots, tomatoes, apricots and watermelon, among others. Vitamin A is an important substance for the skin’s elasticity because it repels viruses and bacteria, is a powerful skin enhancer that can reduce wrinkles, fade brown spots, and smooth out roughness, and contains beta-carotene which can help protect against sun damage. You might even consider adding a multivitamin to your daily intake, if you don’t already.
Improve your skin’s health and elasticity from both the inside and the outside.
In addition to food, certain essential oils are also known to help improve the skin’s elasticity – chamomile, which smooths out broken capillaries, and neroli, which helps in cell regeneration and reduces the appearance of varicose veins and scarring.
And, as always, there are steps you can take to improve your skin’s health and elasticity from both the inside and the outside. As a loss of elasticity is one of the signs of ageing, anti-ageing care will target elasticity and suppleness among other signs. pHformula’s innovative skincare range presents a holistic package of treatments that tackle every sign of ageing, including elasticity.
Target those inevitable signs of ageing
The A.G.E recovery formula is specifically designed to target those inevitable signs of ageing – photo ageing, pigment changes, a dull sallow appearance, and wrinkles, to name a few. Using a unique combination of ingredients – including retinol, which regulates cell differentiation and stimulates the synthesis of collagen and elastin while acting as a powerful anti-oxidant, and pyruvic acid, which stimulates collagen, elastin and dermal glycoproteins – the formula works to speed-up skin recovery, maintain the overall health of the skin, and help prevent further damage.
Improve moisture levels and skin texture
Our daily skin routines often neglect the neck, which can be one of the first places showing a loss of elasticity as we age. The neck is sensitive and ageing often results in folds of loose sagging skin, and fine lines and wrinkles. The pHformula N.E.C.K recovery treatment contains a skin tightening glycoprotein complex that lifts, firms, and smooths sagging skin., while improving moisture levels and skin texture.
Diminish the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, and age spots
And finally, if you don’t get enough Vitamin A in your diet, you can also ensure your skin is receiving the vitamins it needs from the outside. pHformula’s Vita A cream contains pure retinol and is an advanced treatment product for ageing skin. Retinol is extremely effective in stimulating cell regeneration to diminish the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, and age spots, and also correcting blemishes and blotches that may appear in problematic skin – resulting in softer, more supple skin.
So while no one wants sagging, dull skin, there are a huge range of options – for both treatment and prevention – that can ensure your skin retains its bounce for as long as possible.
Contact pHformula for more information.